
Tokyo Streets Exhibition took place in May, at Gallery Conceal near Shibuya station, where approximately thirty photographers from Japan and abroad gathered to celebrate the art of street photography.


Imaginar y vivir: unas palabras de María Lightowler — comisaria, investigadora y museóloga — sobre mi trabajo.

“…Es desde este lugar que Matías Canosa construye una poética propia a partir de imágenes que no quedan aferradas a la habilidad técnica de la toma, sino que se presentan como posibilidades de reflexión de estar en el mundo contemporáneo y de la condición humana en sí misma.”


Imagining and living: words from María Lightowler — curator, researcher and museologist — about my work.

“…It is from this place that Matías Canosa builds his own poetics from images that do not remain attached to the technical skill of the shot, but are presented as possibilities of reflection of being in the contemporary world and of the human condition itself.”


Ted Forbes review of “Haiku” at TheArtofPhotography

Ted Forbes has been hosting the one of the most influential photography channels in Yuoutube for more than a decade. In this video he reviews his copy of Haiku.